Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Knot Prayer (author unknown)

Dear God: Please untie the knows that are in my mind, my heart and my life. Remove the have nots, the can nots and the do nots that I have in my mind. Erase the will nots, may nots, might nots that may find a home in my heart. Release me from the could nots, would nots, and should nots that obstruct my life. And most of all, Dear God, I ask that you remove from my mind, heart, and my life all of the "am nots" that I have allowed to hold me back, especially the thought that I am not good enough. Amen

Monday, October 24, 2011

Found this on Post Secret Archives... and basically... it's my secret, too. Though I didn't send it in, this is what every beat of my heart tells me. I long to find "home."

Sunday, October 23, 2011


- Was asked where I was from, then was told I look Norwegian - Shattered a wine glass in attempting to polish it - Worked 11+ hours - Served a table full of Manic Pixie Dream Girls - Saw a photo shoot of newlyweds at the bar area of our restaurant - Spoke too much about someone behind her back - Got really frustrated - Drank a lot of coffee - Dropped a wine bottle (empty) in the street - Put my hip out - Laughed - Ate delicious food (Stuffed pork medallions at Plum's Upper Room- eat them. Die happy) - Considered more ways to wear my fabulous (but not worn enough) tall brown boots - Stayed on Pinterest too long - Made decent tips - Saw my busiest Saturday to date - Survived to live another week