Thursday, May 31, 2012

Ohio: The Update

So I've avoided updating for quite a while... Mostly because I haven't felt like I had anything worth updating about. Since I last blogged, I've mostly been working and watching TV. I read occasionally (just finished the first Game of Thrones book)... And I've been doing a lot of... transitioning. For me, this means wallowing, going through rather moody patches, and just generally being unpleasant. But hey- it's a process. And after about two months, I am starting to feel slightly settled.

This doesn't mean I'm not still thinking of Indy with great longing. But I am hating being here less (though I'm very doubtful about changing my mind and staying here longer- haha).

In thinking about it, I've actually done quite a bit since I last blogged- so a quick recap:

-On Easter, I traveled down to Wilmore to visit friends before they all graduated and left. Got to help Meredith set up her beautiful senior show (who knew how much work being an art major was?!)

-Then drove up to Indy to visit Pat and Laura and see Les Mis with them, which was such a great show!

-Got my first, on my own apartment. Set up electricity in my name for the first time (ick- growing up!)

-Have now visited both Canton and Akron (the Akron mall is a pretty good one, plus there's an Earth Fare nearby to tempt me to eat healthy)

-Bought and reread "The Hunger Games." Upon rereading, my verdict is this: very compelling plot, believable characters, but not particularly well-written. But it's an adolescent lit book, so I'll forgive it. Like Susanne Collins was holding her breath over this one... Also, I've seen the Hunger Games twice in theaters. Can I just say how much I loved it? The casting was spot-on, and while some details may not have been perfect, it was a pretty great on-screen adaptation.

-Turned 24 recently. I'm now in my mid-twenties. Not sure I like the feeling much... But I got to spend the day in Lima with my parents and sister. It made me realize (yet again) how lucky I am to just ENJOY my family. They are really great people.

-Dyed my hair DARK. It's near-black, but my reds can still show through. I'm loving it, a lot. Also recently got my hair cut even shorter. While I miss my long hair, I'm realizing that short hair is my best hair. Maybe someday, I'll grow it out again, but I'm having some fun with it at this length... except for the bit in the back that's recently decided it loves sticking straight out. Awesome.

-Recently started attending Newpointe Community Church in Dover. Well, I've gone twice anyways. I'm really enjoying it, and I just signed up for a small group there for the month of June; I'm really looking forward to what God can teach me through it.

Can't think of anything else exciting, but making this list has helped me realize that I've done more here than I thought I had!